Beijing Tianfuxing Imported Food
北京天富星商贸有限责任公司是一家专业营销全球进口食品的民营企业。2009年成立于北京,2012年成立星阔(上海)实业有限公司。随着10年的高速发展,公司已与多个海外知名厂商达成合作。全球采购各种美味食品,精选欧洲,东南亚食品,主营产品茱蒂丝饼干,过山车蛋糕,过山车薯片,宝乐氏啤酒,果满乐乐果汁。产品价格极具竞争力,品质过硬,包装精美,味美价优。欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈合作!地址:北京市朝阳区广渠路11号金泰国际大厦A座803。电话:010-61654390 上海公司地址:上海市静安区灵石路695号珠江创意中心503室。电话:021-62840320。天富星全体员工真诚欢迎您的光临!
company profile
Beijing Tianfuxing Trading Co., Ltd. is a private enterprise specializing in marketing global imported food. Founded in Beijing in 2009, Xingkuo (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in 2012. With 10 years of rapid development, the company has reached cooperation with many well-known overseas manufacturers. Globally, we purchase a variety of delicious foods, including European and Southeast Asian foods, the main products are Curtis biscuits, roller coaster cakes, roller coaster potato chips, Baole's beer, and fruit full Lele juice. The product price is very competitive, the quality is excellent, the packaging is exquisite, and the price is excellent. Welcome customers from all over the world to come and discuss cooperation! Address: 803, Block A, Jintai International Building, No. 11 Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Tel: 010-61654390 Shanghai Company Address: Room 503, Zhujiang Creative Center, No. 695 Lingshi Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai. Tel: 021-62840320. Tianfuxing staff sincerely welcome you!
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