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编辑:zixun_1 发布时间:2019-03-25   动态次数: 400851
资讯导读:中网市场发布:丽水市高翔轴承有限公司专业生产滚珠丝杄、丝杄支撑、直线导轨、铝托导轨、光轴、滑块等传动 配件、线性模组,工作滑台,取料机械手滚珠丝杆轴承系列、方型滚珠直线导轨,杆端关节轴承、直线轴承、法兰直线轴承、圆拄直线导轨、直线滑动单元系列、滚轮滚针轴承、向心关节轴承、油缸耳环轴承等。欢迎国内外新老客户前来洽谈合作!



         丽水市高翔轴承有限公司坐落于拥有“秀山丽水、浙江绿谷”美誉的丽水市。下辖丽水市高翔滚动部件厂,公司自成立以来发展迅速,业务不断发展壮大,主要生产有专业生产滚珠丝杄、丝杄支撑、直线导轨、铝托导轨、光轴、滑块等传动 配件、线性模组,工作滑台,取料机械手滚珠丝杆轴承系列、方型滚珠直线导轨,杆端关节轴承、直线轴承、法兰直线轴承、圆拄直线导轨、直线滑动单元系列、滚轮滚针轴承、向心关节轴承、油缸耳环轴承等。产品主要配套于纺织机械、机械、精密机床、包装机械、木工机械、电动工具、切割机、健身器材、矿山机械及其它自动化设备等行业。产品严格按照国际标准生产,产品质量上乘。丽水市高翔轴承有限公司拥有精良的自动化、专业化生产外,同时引进和培养技术人才管理人才。使企业管理更加科学化、制度化、规范化。因为专注所以专业,通过我们的努力公司产品受到客户的一致好评。 丽水市高翔轴承有限公司的经营理念:客户至上,诚信为本公司热诚欢迎国内外新老客户前来洽谈指导,互相合作,共同发展地址:浙江省丽水市水阁工业区枫岭街6号, 电话:0578-2261980传真:0578-2663209 QQ:2690185984手机: 15857836077,总经理钟伟荣携全体员工真诚欢迎您的光临!


Enterprise Profile
Lishui Gaoxiang Bearing Co., Ltd. is located in Lishui City, which has the reputation of "beautiful mountains and rivers, Zhejiang Green Valley". Lishui Gaoxiang Rolling Parts Factory under its jurisdiction has developed rapidly since its inception, and its business has been growing steadily. It mainly produces transmission parts, linear modules, working slides, ball screw bearings series, square ball linear guides, rod end joint bearings and linear bearings. Flange linear bearing, circular linear guide, linear sliding unit series, roller needle bearing, centripetal joint bearing, oil cylinder Earring bearing, etc. The products are mainly used in textile machinery, machinery, precision machine tools, packaging machinery, woodworking machinery, electric tools, cutting machines, fitness equipment, mining machinery and other automation equipment industries. The products are produced in strict accordance with international standards, and the quality of products is excellent. Lishui Gaoxiang Bearing Co., Ltd. has excellent automation, professional production, while introducing and training technical personnel management personnel. Make enterprise management more scientific, institutionalized and standardized. Because of the focus so professional, through our efforts, the company's products have been praised by customers. Lishui Gaoxiang Bearing Co., Ltd. business philosophy: customer first, honesty for the company warmly welcome new and old customers at home and abroad to negotiate guidance, mutual cooperation and common development address: No. 6 Fengling Street, Shuige Industrial Zone, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province (behind Zhongtong Express) Tel: 0578-2261980 Fax: 0578-2663209 QQ: 2690185984 mobile phone: 15857836077, General Manager Zhong Weirong with all staff sincerely rejoice Welcome you!


来源: COTV全球展览报道组





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