上海炫龍健康科技有限公司, 创始于2018年, 总部设立与"东方明珠"-上海,生产基地坐落于"渤海第一湾"-天津; 其前身为"惠凌斯顿健康科技有限公司"企业多年以来, 以国际进出口业务为核心,所生产商品均出口至国外,远销欧美及日韩,拥有诸多自主知识产权,多年来广受国外消费市场喜爱及认可. 企业以生产、销售健康保健用品为主营项目, 以创新、健康、稳健和持续成长为发展理念,始终遵循「健康需要回归自然」的不变原则,利用原生态大自然赐予的 天然矿物质为原料,并通过核心科学配比,生产研发出诸多系列健康产品,,为求达到 「健康与财富同在」的宏伟目标而不断努力...。欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈合作!地址:中国上海市闵行区吴中路1369号欧银中心2516室,电话:086-021-51566156,手机:18616270001,董事长曹明镐携全体员工真诚欢迎您来光临!
company profile
Shanghai Xuanlong Health Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 2018, is headquartered with "Oriental Pearl" - Shanghai, the production base is located in "Bohai First Bay" - Tianjin; its predecessor is "Hui Lingston Health Technology Co., Ltd." Since the international import and export business as the core, the products are exported to foreign countries, exported to Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, have many independent intellectual property rights, and have been widely loved and recognized by foreign consumer markets for many years. Enterprises to produce and sell health care products As the main project, with innovation, health, stability and sustainable growth as the development concept, we always follow the principle of “health needs to return to nature”, 10 using the natural minerals given by the original ecological nature as raw materials, and through the core science Compared with the production and development of a series of health products, we are striving to achieve the grand goal of "health and wealth". Welcome customers from all over the world to come and discuss cooperation! Address: Room 2516, Euro Bank Center, No. 1369 Wuzhong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. Tel: 086-021-51566156, Mobile: 18616270001, General Manager Cao Minghao and all staff sincerely welcome you!
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