2021年01月10日江门市紫腾轩古典红木家具有限公司董事长兼总经理郭杰先生热情接受COTV《商务资讯》栏目组主持人刘贞莉的产品推介, 郭杰先生通过COTV互联网电视向全球各地客商、观众网友介绍公司发展战略及紫腾轩红木家具特色
Jiangmen Zitengxuan Classical Mahogany Furniture Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of classical mahogany furniture. The company has a professional wood craftsman team and a production plant with advanced equipment, mainly producing "Zitengxuan" brand series of high-end mahogany furniture. "Zitengxuan" furniture adopts imported rosewood, hedgehog red sandalwood and other precious mahogany. It uses traditional craftsmanship and tenon and tenon structure. From cutting, carpentry, carving, assembling, polishing to painting, it has gone through strict operating procedures. Carefully carved, elegant and generous, and charming. The company adapts to the trend of the times on the basis of classical furniture and develops custom-made new Chinese mahogany furniture for civilian, hotel and office with modern popular elements to meet the needs of modern young people. The company warmly welcomes merchants and mahogany collectors from all over the world to come to purchase and customize. Factory Address: Qibao Bridge Industrial Zone, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China; Address of Marketing Department I: 3rd Floor, Building 1, Dongming Furniture City, Lecong Town, Shunde District, Foshan City; Address of Marketing Department II: Shunde District, Foshan City Lecong Town Dongming International Furniture City Building A, first floor 1-2 rear warehouse; contact phone 086-0757-28911616, order hotline 18576551888, chairman and general manager Guo Jie and all the staff sincerely welcome your visit!
免责声明:以上展示的信息由网友发布提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布者负责,本网对此不承担任何责任。 如有虚假信息请致电客服:0086-575-85672028 0086-575-85670760, 手机/微信:13018808788/18906750386。
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