COTV Global Live Broadcast - Wenzhou Xinhao Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the research and development and production of wet polishing integrated machines, sanding belts, polishing machines, and environmentally friendly dust removal equipment; Mechanical arm polishing equipment, as well as waste gas dust removal equipment such as automatic polishing machines, sandblasting machines, and shot blasting machines, have won a deep market reputation due to their innovative design, meticulous manufacturing, simple operation, energy conservation and emission reduction, and high production efficiency; Our company provides spot goods and undertakes domestic and foreign trade order business. We welcome customers from all over the world to come and negotiate procurement! Address: No. 203 Chuangrong Road, Tengqiao Industrial Park, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. Contact numbers: 0086-0577-88630765, 18658350728. Chairman Wang Dong and General Manager Luo Jiawei welcome everyone to visit!
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