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编辑:zixun_1 发布时间:2017-04-25   动态次数: 198809
资讯导读:中网市场发布: 唐朝老窖国酒金华总代理是一家专业代理中国泸州、四川唐朝老窖集团公司的全系列优质白酒产品的企业,唐朝老窖酒产于中国酒城泸州,已有上百年生产历史。选用上等有机高粱大米、糯米、小麦、玉米等五种粮食,采用传统古法工艺、精心酿造而成,具有窖香浓郁,绵甜甘冽、尾净爽口、口味悠长、饮后不口干、不上头、醒酒快等特点,是不可多得的酒中佳酿。电话: 18395925088,地址: 义乌市廿三里街道后乐工业园,总经理:许家刚真诚欢迎您的光临!

中网市场发布: 唐朝老窖国酒金华总代理全系列优质白酒产品

China Online Market Launch: Tang Dynasty Laojiao wine Jinhua distributor is a professional agency in China Luzhou, Sichuan Tang Laojiao Group company a full range of high-quality liquor products business, the Tang Dynasty wine cellar Lucheng in China, has There are hundreds of years of production history. Choose the finest organic sorghum rice, glutinous rice, wheat, corn and other five kinds of food, the traditional ancient craft, carefully brewed with a cellar incense rich sweet cotton candy, net tail refreshing taste long after drinking does not dry mouth , Not on the head, sober and so fast, is a rare wine in the wine. Tel: 18395925088, Address: Niansanli Street, Yiwu City, after the music Industrial Park, General Manager: Xu Jia Gang sincerely welcome your presence!


来源: 中网市场





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