中网市场发布: 义乌商贸城喻红仙商行批发: “金叶”牌卷笔刀
China Online Market Release: Yiwu Commercial City Yu Hongxian Commercial Bank produces and wholesales: “Jin Ye” brand series of children use various middle and low grade pencil sharpener products. Merchants from all over the world are welcome to come to Jinye Exhibition Hall to discuss cooperation! Exhibition Hall Address: No. 24188, No. 55, Second Floor, No. 55, Gate 2, International Business District, Yiwu, Yiwu, Zhejiang, China. Tel: 86-0579-85164188, Mobile: 18958490206, general manager Yu Hongxian, with all my colleagues sincerely welcomes you!
义乌商贸城喻红仙商行是一家专业批发销售水晶卷笔刀的企业。 多年来,商行一直注重于儿童用卷笔刀具的研究创新。拥有标准厂房及一流的生产设备、雄厚的技术和完善的营销服务团队。生产批发的“金叶”品牌系列儿童用各种中低档卷刀产品设计时尚、用料环保、做工精湛、可爱美观、携带方便、使用安全等特点深受广大客户及家长的青睐,产品远销海内外。商行时常有新款上市,并可根据客户需求承接来样来图定制服务。欢迎全球各地客商前来金叶展厅洽谈合作!展厅地址: 中国浙江省义乌福田国际商贸诚H区55号门二楼三街24188号,电话:86-0579-85164188,手机:18958490206,总经理喻红仙携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!
Yiwu Trade City Yu Hongxian firm is a professional wholesale and sell crystal pencil sharpener business. Over the years, the firm has focused on research innovations for children's pencil pens. With standard factory buildings and first-class production equipment, strong technology and perfect marketing service team. The “Golden Leaf” brand series of children's products are widely used by children and parents because of their design fashion, environmentally-friendly materials, exquisite workmanship, attractive appearance, easy to carry, and safe use. Both at home and abroad. Businesses often have new listings, and they can customize their services according to their needs. Merchants from all over the world are welcome to come to Jinye Exhibition Hall to discuss cooperation! Exhibition Hall Address: No.24188, No. 55, Second Floor, No. 55, Gate 2, International Business District, Yiwu, Yiwu, Zhejiang, China. Tel: 86-0579-85164188, Mobile: 18958490206, the general manager Yu Hongxian, with all my colleagues sincerely welcomes you!
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