中网市场发布: 上海潭兴企业有限公司销售: 台湾潭兴精工分度盘
Shanghai Tanxing Enterprise Co., Ltd.Sales: Taiwan Taming Seiko Index Plate,The company wholeheartedly welcomes the broad masses of old and new customers to discuss cooperation! Address: 1st Floor, Building 5, 1299 Yingying Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai Tel: 86-021-59785162,M/T: 13761034823,Zhang Shuiqin, general manager of sales, with all my colleagues sincerely welcome your visit!
上海潭兴企业有限公司是台湾潭兴精工设立在大陆的营运中心,负责潭兴分度盘大陆的市场行销和技术服务.潭兴40年来以过硬的产品质量和完善的营销售后服务,深受广大客户青睐,产品远销海内外,公司竭诚欢迎广大新老客户洽谈合作!地址: 上海市青浦区崧盈路1299号5栋一楼,电话:86- 021-59785162,手机:13761034823,销售总经理张水琴携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!
Shanghai Tan Xing Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a business center set up in the mainland of Tatan Xinggong, Taiwan. It is responsible for the marketing and technical service of Tan Xing division on the mainland. In the past 40 years, Tan Xing has been favored by many customers with excellent product quality and perfect marketing and after sales service. The products are sold at home and abroad, and the company welcomes the new and old guests Customer talks and cooperation! Address: No. 1299, No. 5, No. 1299, Song Ying Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai. Telephone: 86- 021-59785162, mobile phone: 13761034823, sales General Manager Zhang Shui Qin and all the colleagues sincerely welcome your visit!
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