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编辑:zixun_1 发布时间:2018-05-21   动态次数: 1749750
资讯导读:中网市场发布:卷柏(北京)健康管理有限公司,主要提供经络健康状态评估、脉象评估,为人们身体辩证前端及量身定制后端辅助食疗、食补等调理方案。欢迎全球各地客商前来体验、洽谈、咨询合作!地址: 北京市丰台区总部基地五区17号楼六层,电话: 86-10-56282155,手机: 13701105920,卷柏健康创始人兼总经理程建秋携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!​

Selaginella (Beijing) Health Management Co., Ltd.It mainly provides meridian health status assessment, pulse assessment, dialectical front-end for the body, and tailor-made back-end assistive diets, food supplements and other conditioning programs.Welcome customers from all over the world come to experience, negotiate, consult and cooperate! Address: 6th Floor, 17th Building, 5th District Headquarters, Fengtai District, Beijing,Tel: 86-10-56282155,Mobile: 13701105920,Cheng Jianqiu, Founder and General Manager of Selaginella Health, and his colleagues sincerely welcome your visit! 

企 业 简 介 

Seraphim (Beijing) Health Management Co., Ltd. is a professional health management company that specializes in providing dialectical and custom conditioning solutions for human health. The company mainly provides meridian health assessments and pulse assessments, dialects front-ends and tailor-made back-end ancillary diets and food supplements and other conditioning programs for the purpose of conditioning and sub-health, and contributes to the health of the National People's Congress. Welcome customers from all over the world come to experience, negotiate, consult and cooperate! Address: 6th Floor, Building 17, No.5 Area, Headquarters Base, Fengtai District, Beijing, Tel: 86-10-56282155, Mobile: 13701105920, Cheng Jianqiu, founder and general manager of Seraphim Health, with all my colleagues sincerely welcome you!

来源: 中网市场





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