China Online Market Release: Suzhou Meimei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is a service company specializing in the sales of health products. The company mainly sells the "Jie Di Lan" brand's trousers, slimming and compacting essence series of slimming beauty products. Now invite investment from all over the country Welcome businessmen from all over the country come to discuss cooperation and join! Address: No. 8, Beihuan Road, Gusu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China; mobile phone; 13390884886, Zhang Hongqin, general manager, with all my colleagues sincerely welcome you!
企 业 简 介
苏州纤媚影化妆品有限公司是一家专业从事销售养生瘦身产品的服务企业。公司主要销售“娇帝兰”品牌旗下抹抹瘦、滴滴瘦紧致精华露系列瘦身美容产品。2018年5月在上海大虹桥美博上公司隆重推出“娇帝兰滴滴瘦”娇帝兰抹抹瘦减肥新品,该产品无口服、不吃药 不针灸,不节食、不用仪器,不运动,你坚持每天指压穴3-5分钟,轻松涂抹即可 每次打开人体穴位点,即可享受式减肥,辅助健康养生美体美容。现向全国招商 欢迎各地客商前来洽谈合作加盟!地址:江苏省苏州市姑苏区北环路8号,手机号码 13390884886 总经理张洪芹携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!
Suzhou Meimei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is a professional service company that sells health products. The company mainly sells the "Jie Di Lan" brand's trousers, slimming and compacting essence series of slimming beauty products. In May 2018 in Shanghai Dahongqiao Meibo Company, the company launched a grand launch of "Jade Dilan Drops and Thins" Jiao Dilan wipe thin slimming new products, the product without oral, do not take medicine without acupuncture, no diet, no equipment, no exercise, You insist on pressing the hole for 3-5 minutes a day, easily smearing each time you open the body points, you can enjoy style to lose weight, assist health health beauty body beauty. Now invite investment from all over the country Welcome businessmen from all over the country come to discuss cooperation and join! Address: No. 8, Beihuan Road, Gusu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China Mobile phone number 13390884886 Zhang Hongqin, general manager, with all my colleagues sincerely welcomes you!
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