中网市场发布:上海文恪美容发展有限公司销售 明日昔颜 系列祛斑祛反黑脸产品
China Online Market Release: Shanghai Wenhao Beauty Development Co., Ltd. is a cosmetic company integrating R&D, production and sales. The main features of its "Tomorrow Shame" series of classic products are: assisted freckle, anti-black face. We are now inviting investment from all over the country and welcome merchants from all over the country to come to discuss cooperation and cooperation! Address: Floor 1, Room B8184,No.1500,Ting Wei Road,Shanyang Town,Jinshan District,Shanghai,China,Tel: 86-593-7272588,Mobile: 18760217668,Marketing Manager Zhang Xueren, with all my colleagues sincerely welcomes you!
企 业 简 介
Shanghai Wenhao Beauty Development Co., Ltd. is a cosmetic company integrating R&D, production and sales. The main features of its "Tomorrow Shame" series of classic products are: assisted freckle, anti-black face. In May 2018, the Shanghai Dahongqiao Beauty Expo held a grand launch of the "Tomorrow's Shame" spot-refreshing and black-faced product on-site experience service. The customers who came to consult, experience and join in the event were enthusiastic. The product can be fast, safe, efficient and healthy. Auxiliary freckle, anti-black face. We are now inviting investment from all over the country and welcome merchants from all over the country to come to discuss cooperation and
cooperation!Land,Address: Floor 1, Room B8184, No. 1500, Ting Wei Road, Shanyang Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, China Tel: 86-593-7272588, Mobile: 18760217668, Marketing Manager Zhang Xueren, with all my colleagues sincerely welcomes you!
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