China Online Market Announcement: Qingdao Eurasia Woodworking Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of full-automatic edge transfer transfer slotting machine, special-shaped heat transfer machine, edge banding machine, sand edge machine, cold press machine, carrier board saw, intelligent Side hole machine, plastic laminating machine and other woodworking machinery and equipment. Eurasia is willing to create brilliant achievements with domestic and foreign furniture manufacturers. Address: Jiulong Industrial Park, Jiaozhou, Qingdao, China. Tel: 0532-85273828, Mobile: 18561708779. Wang Fupan, general manager of the company, and all colleagues are waiting for you!
企 业 简 介
青岛欧亚木工机械制造有限公司是专业生产板式家具成套设备的科技知识密集型企业,是青岛木工机械协会会员单位,本公司主要产品包括全自动封边转印开槽一体机、异形热转印机、封边机、砂边机、冷压机、载板锯、智能侧孔机、吸塑覆膜机等木工机械设备。经过十多年的发展,我们拥有雄厚的技术力量和完善的检测手段,主要产品均通过CE安全认证。产品畅销海内外,欧亚愿与国内外家具制造企业共创辉煌。地址: 青岛胶州市九龙工业园区,电话: 0532-85273828,手机: 18561708779,总经理王福盼携全体同仁真诚恭候您的光临!
Qingdao Ouya Woodworking Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a technology-intensive enterprise specializing in the production of complete sets of furniture equipment for furniture and is a member of the Qingdao Woodworking Machinery Association. The company's main products include automatic edge-sealing and transfer-slotting machine and special-shaped heat transfer printing. Machines, Edge Banding Machines, Sanding Machines, Cold Press Machines, Carrier Board Saw, Smart Side Hole Machines, Plastic Blister Machines, etc. After more than 10 years of development, we have strong technical force and perfect detection methods. Our main products have passed CE safety certification. Products sell well at home and abroad, Europe and Asia is willing to work with domestic and foreign furniture manufacturers create brilliant. Address: Jiulong Industrial Park, Jiaozhou, Qingdao, China. Tel: 0532-85273828, Mobile: 18561708779. Wang Fupan, general manager of the company, and all colleagues are waiting for you!
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