China Online Market: Shandong Shuangyu Cup Co., Ltd. specializes in research and development, production of "Shuangyu" brand glass, stainless steel vacuum flask, office cup, travel pot and other products, "double 晗" product design fashion, carrying Convenient, environmentally friendly and healthy, welcome customers from all over the world to come to discuss cooperation!
山东省双晗杯业有限公司,地处被誉为 商贸名城和物流之都的山东临沂。两大生产基地 占地超 20000平米,一期二期总投资金额超过7000万元。三期的建设总投资金额将超过1亿元,双晗人凭借着对产品品质精益求精的执念。坚持以研发创新为企业发展动力,在生产工艺的迭代升级中,斥巨资引进国内外先进 智能化封口、气密检测、超声波清洗、高纯度纯净水净化设备、质量检测等高端设备 配合工人多年烧制经验的娴熟技艺。使其每个水杯经过 36道工艺打磨加上自主研发的核心技术,极大丰富了公司产品类别;现已具备 单层 、双层、异形、小短、特大、办公、家居、旅行等300余款全民类需求产品,双晗、晶杯客、福象三大品牌,配套了年产超720万件高端水杯的生产能力。将行业高端定制水杯标准,推向了一个新的高度。自2019年起,双晗加大了对三个品牌优势资源及研发力量的投入,同时结合公司总体营销战略规划开拓出全新的营销机制,充分发挥品牌市场价值,进一步扩大市场占有率,提高整体覆盖率成为战略的重中之重。三大品牌正在以其优良的品质、优惠的价格博得越来越多消费者的认可和青睐,"双晗"品牌产品在市场上有口皆碑,公司热情欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈合作!地址:山东省临沂市兰山区蒙山工业园金源路向西200米,联系手机:17353936088,总经理张燕携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临。
Company Profile
Shandong Shuangyu Cup Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional cup maker manufacturing enterprise specializing in design, development, production and sales. With strong technical force, the company has always relied on the business philosophy of "Quality First, City Reality and Trustworthiness" to win the trust and recognition of customers with high quality products and services. The company mainly produces all kinds of single and double-layer glass cups, office cups, stainless steel vacuum flasks, travel pots and other products of "Shuangyu" brand. The products of "Shuangyu" are fashionable, easy to carry, environmentally friendly and healthy. Favored, the products sell well all over the country and are exported to many countries. "Shuangyu" brand products are well-known in the market, the company warmly welcomes businessmen from all over the world to come to discuss cooperation! Address: 200 meters west of Jinyuan Road, Mengshan Industrial Park, Lanshan District, Linyi City, Shandong Province. Contact mobile phone: 17353936088. General Manager Zhang Yan and all colleagues sincerely welcome you.
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