Guangzhou Chunmantang Sports Technology
China online market release: Guangzhou Chunmantang Sports Technology Co., Ltd. develops and produces suspended parquet flooring PVC sports flooring products
China Online Market Release: Guangzhou Chunmantang Sports Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focusing on the development, production and marketing of suspension-assembled flooring and PVC sports flooring products. The company's integrated production and sales system and overall solution are The customer provides a holistic solution to the technical solutions, to do safe sports products, quality services. Looking forward to working with you to showcase the brilliant future of sports
企 业 简 介
company profile
Guangzhou Chunmantang Sports Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise focusing on suspension-assembled flooring, PVC sports flooring product development, production, import and export trade, marketing. The company is based on innovation, technology is the basic, and strives to build a brand. Value, as the "creator of green sports products" to create a development of outstanding enterprises, integrated production and marketing system, integrated solution system, to provide customers with technical solutions, to do the safest sports products, the highest quality products and services . Looking forward to working with you to showcase the brilliant future of sports. Tel: 86-18022809880, 86-2029066808. General Manager Chen Yu and all colleagues sincerely welcome you to negotiate.
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