Shanghai Jiyi Environmental Protection Technology
China online market release: Shanghai Jiyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. produces environmentally friendly dust-free spray booth wastewater treatment equipment
Shanghai Jiyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in research and development, production of environmentally friendly dust-free spray booth, dust-free grinding room, explosion-proof central dust removal, VOCS organic waste gas treatment, wastewater treatment, RCO catalytic combustion, welding fume treatment equipment and other products. Welcome customers from all over the world to come and discuss cooperation!
企 业 简 介
上海继毅环保科技有限公司是一家专业从事研发、生产、销售环保涂装设备的制造企业。多年来一直注重于机械涂装设备的创新研究。公司拥有标准化厂房及一流的技术和营销服务团队;主要经营:环保无尘喷漆房、无尘打磨房、防爆中央除尘、VOCS有机废气处理、废水处理、RCO催化燃烧、焊烟处理设备等产品。公司具有较强的研发和生产能力,并提供代工生产、来料加工业务及技术支持,以满足不同客户需求。公司热情欢迎全球各地客户前来洽谈合作!地址: 中国上海市奉贤区新奉公路奥纬路1号, 电话:86-021-67170537,手机:86-15026657896,总经理王川携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!
company profile
Shanghai Jiyi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturing enterprise specializing in R&D, production and sales of environmentally friendly coating equipment. For many years, it has focused on innovative research in mechanical coating equipment. The company has standardized workshops and first-class technical and marketing service teams; the main business: environmentally friendly dust-free spray booth, dust-free grinding room, explosion-proof central dust removal, VOCS organic waste gas treatment, wastewater treatment, RCO catalytic combustion, welding fume treatment equipment and other products. The company has strong research and development and production capacity, and provides OEM, processing and technical support to meet the needs of different customers. The company warmly welcomes customers from all over the world to come to discuss cooperation! Address: No.1, Aowei Road, Xinfeng Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China, Tel: 86-021-67170537, Mobile: 86-15026657896, General Manager Wang Chuan and all colleagues sincerely welcome you!
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